Interface Design
University of Sydney
A foundation unit (IDEA9105) in the Masters of Interaction Design and Electronic Art.
Use Blackboard to source course content,
Wordpress for online discussion,
or contact Nikash.
- Week 01: Introduction to User Interfaces
- Lecture: The Nature and Evolution of UI
- The Design Brief
- Workshop: Rapid ideation
- Activity: A "Champion" UI
- Week 02: The eye and mind
- Lecture: Visual Perception
- Demonstration: Patterns in Interface Design
- Workshop: User Research questions
- → BG & User
Research Report 15%
- Week 03: Understanding users
- Lecture: User Behaviour
- Workshop: Persona Development
- Activity: Moodboard Design
- Week 04: no class
- AVCC break week
- Voluntary Lecture: Branding
- Voluntary Tutorial: Logo Design in Illustrator
- Week 05: Navigability and flow
- → Pitch presentations 5%
- Lecture: Structure and Information Architecture
- Activity: Card-sorting
- Demonstration: Site-map Design
- Week 06: Visual Communication
- Lecture: History and Theory of Graphic Design
- Tutorial: Mockups in PhotoShop
- Week 07: Visual ambiguity
- Lecture: Design Themes
- Discussion: Exemplars
- Demonstration: Improv alignment
- → Static Prototypes 30%
- Week 08: Interaction as a new dimension
- Lecture: Heuristics and Prototyping
- Activity: Peer evaluation
- Tutorial: Translate mock-ups into interactive prototypes
- Week 09: A meaningful web
- Lecture: Mark-up and the Semantic Web
- Tutorial: Semantic profile creation in raw HTML
- Week 10: Presentation abstraction
- Lecture: Styling extensibly
- Tutorial: Profile skinning in CSS
- Week 11: The web is alive and moving
- Lecture: Scripting interaction
- Tutorial: Image gallery in JS
- Week 12: Project work
- Implementation consultation
- Guest critique: David MEIER
- → Interactive Prototypes 20%
- Week 13: Conclusions
- → Final presentations 5%
- Panel members:
Chris ANDERSON, Boomworks
Lian LOKE, Design Lab, USYD
Marcus ORSINI, Boomworks
Marvin CHUENG, Bienalto